Via Gizmodo
I dont' know when I would use it, but I want one...
it tastes stingy.
"Pabst has hired Bank of America Merrill Lynch to find a buyer and has just sent sales books to prospective suitors. A buyer will need to pay about $300 million, according to sources."
"This morning, the House began consideration of the rule for debate of the House health care bill. As the Democratic Women’s Caucus took to the microphone on the House floor to offer their arguments for how the bill would benefit women, House Republicans — led by Rep. Tom Price (R-GA) — repeatedly talked over, screamed, and shouted objections. “I object, I object, I object, I object, I object,” Price interjected as Rep. Lois Capps (D-CA) tried to hold the floor.
In an effort to delay and derail the proceedings, the Republicans continually talked over the Democratic women for half an hour. They sought to prevent the debate by calling for unnecessary “parliamentary inquiries” and requests for “expanding the debate” by an hour."
"A new study out of the Swedish Institute for Social Research published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health has found a correlation between the mortality rates of men and the education level of the women they marry. Specifically, men married to women that are well-educated live longer."
A debate between former presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush was canceled, according to the New York Post, after the event's promoter advertised it as "uncensored, unedited and unpredictable."
"This event ... was supposed to be a discussion between the two former presidents, and has been canceled because it was not being billed as such by an overeager promoter," said Matt McKenna, a spokesman for Clinton.
It was never supposed to be a "debate," McKenna said, which is how the promoter described it. The event was to be held at Radio City Music Hall in February -- with tickets going for as much as $1,250 a pop.